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来源:互联网     时间:2023-07-10 09:59:43

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· 2023英国数学测评·中级进阶(UKMT-CMO/HMO/MMO)-2枚全球荣誉奖

· 2023英国数学测评·中级(UKMT-IMC)-15枚全球金奖、3枚全球银奖、1枚全球铜奖、1枚学校最佳荣誉奖、1枚年级最佳荣誉奖

· 2023年(滑铁卢)欧几里得数学竞赛-优秀奖(Certificate of Distinction)





IMC鼓励学生精进数学推理能力,理解并掌握更高的数学技能,并且按照选手所在年级分别设置不同难度的进阶挑战(CMO-Grade8、 HMO-Grade9 和 MMO-Grade10),旨在培养学生的证明推理能力和数学表达能力,学生在丰富数学经验的同时,更能享受到数学逻辑背后的奥秘。


欧几里德数学竞赛, 是滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)为全球高中生举办的数学竞赛之一。欧几里数学竞赛非常看重解题逻辑,一道题通常具有多种思路的解题技巧和方法,考验参赛者是否可以在有限的时间内判断出最优且正确的解题思路和方法。

欧几里德数学竞赛被世界众多知名学府认可,在竞赛中获取优异成绩的学生,将会获得Certificates of Distinction,对申请理工科非常有帮助。欧几里得数学竞赛分数现如今已经成为滑铁卢乃至北美各大院校理工专业入学录取的重要参考指标。



·2023 英国物理测评中级&高级(IPC&SPC)-2枚全球金奖、3枚全球银奖、1枚全球铜奖 l 、2枚全球铜奖 II

·2023 物理杯-3枚全国银奖、1枚全国铜奖、1枚物理优秀奖




英国物理测评(中&高级)由英国物理测评组委会主办。英国物理测评组委会主要由牛津大学、英国物理学会和 Odgen 基金会组成,办公室设在牛津大学物理系。英国物理测评(中&高级)题型新颖,在试题中将基本的物理原理与生活联系在一起,旨在拓展学生的横向思维能力,激发学生的物理潜能,是一项极具挑战性的活动。


物理杯(Physics Bowl)是由美国物理教师协会(American Association of Physics Teachers, AAPT) 主办的高中物理竞赛。该项赛事是美国具有非凡影响力的高中物理竞赛,每年约有1万名美国学生参加比赛,还有其他11个国家超过500所著名高中参加。物理杯注重考查学生的分析能力和物理思维,涵盖的内容非常宽泛,需要学生逐步积累物理学科素养,并有耐心和毅力,从容应对挑战。



·Chem 13 News Exam-2枚优秀奖(Certificate of Distinction)

·阿伏伽德罗化学竞赛(Avogadro Exam)-2枚优秀奖(Certificate of Distinction)



Chem 13 News Exam&

阿伏伽德罗化学竞赛(Avogadro Exam)

Chem 13 News Exam和Avogadro Exam(阿伏伽德罗化学竞赛)是由滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)举办的,是国际上享有盛誉的一项化学竞赛活动,每年都有来自世界各地200多所高中、超过6000名的擅长化学的高中学生参加。竞赛旨在培养学生对化学知识的兴趣,鼓励和奖励学生在高中阶段对科学领域的探索。



· 2023 英国生物测评(BBO)- 1枚全球金奖、1全球银奖、1全球优秀奖

· 2023 美国生物测评(BIO-USACN)-1枚全国铜奖







美国生物测评(BIO-USACN)主办方为非盈利教育学术机构美国卓越教育中心(Center for excellence in education,简称:CEE)。近年来,美国名牌大学的医学、生物医学、生物基因等学科成为申请热门专业,高中生在美国生物测评中取得的优异成绩成为这些专业的重要申请优势。因此,美国生物测评成为美国学术性最强、影响力最大的理科测评活动之一。



· 2023 NEC全美经济学挑战- 1枚全国团队总分荣誉铜级荣誉、1枚经济学测评团队总分荣誉铜级荣誉、1枚Critical Thinking团队合作优胜荣誉、1枚Critical Thinking演讲展示优胜荣誉、1枚经济学测评个人总分荣誉铜级荣誉、3枚经济学测评个人优胜荣誉、1枚宏观经济学满分名人堂、1枚区域团队总分荣誉铜级荣誉、1枚宏观经济学满分名人堂、1枚区域团队总分荣誉银级荣誉、1枚区域团队总分荣誉铜级荣誉及1枚经济创新挑战团队总分荣誉








· 安徒生(国际)艺术奖(H.C. Andersen Art Awards)-1枚金奖、1枚银奖、2枚铜奖

· 2023第四届京都国际少儿美术大赛-1枚三等奖、2枚优秀奖




由丹麦王国安徒生文化艺术发展委员会(Denmark H.C.Andersen Culture & Art Committee) 与丹麦欧登塞安徒生博物馆(Hans Christian Andersen Museum) 联合创立于丹麦欧登塞,是为纪念安徒生在文化与艺术方面的成就而设置的一个高级别艺术奖。安徒生(国际)艺术奖是表彰艺术创作的年度奖项,在全球多个国家设有艺术奖执委,旨在鼓励优秀艺术作品的创作和发展。面向全世界艺术爱好者,希望通过安徒生童话的影响力鼓励儿童的创造力和想象力,发掘未来的艺术家。






IB students have actively participated in various internationalcompetitions. With outstanding performances, they have stood out among numerous participants and won important awards.



- 2023 UKMT-CMO/HMO/MMO - 2 Merit

- 2023 UKMT-IMC - 15 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 Best in School and 1 Best in Year

- 2023 Euclid Mathematics Contest - Certificate of Distinction

Introduction to Competitions

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Organized by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust, the UK Mathematical Challenge series consists of the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Mathematical Challenge (JMC/IMC/SMC). With over 700,000 students from more than 6,000 schools participating each year, it is the largest and most influential national mathematics competition in the UK.

IMC encourages students to excel in mathematical reasoning, understand and master higher-level mathematical skills. It offers different intermediate challenges for students in different grades (CMO-Grade 8, HMO-Grade 9, and MMO-Grade 10), aiming to foster students" reasoning abilities while enriching their mathematical experiences and unraveling the mysteries behind mathematical logic.

Euclid Mathematics Contest

Organized by the University of Waterloo, Euclid Mathematics Contest is one of the mathematics competitions the school holds for high school students worldwide. The competition values problem-solving logic, with each question having multiple approaches and methods. It tests participants" abilities to find the optimal and correct problem-solving approach within a limited time.

The Euclid Mathematics Contest is recognized by many prestigious schools worldwide. Students who achieve outstanding results in the competition will be awarded Certificates of Distinction, which are very helpful for applying to STEM programmes in universities. The score of the Euclidean Mathematics Contest has now become important reference indicator for admission to STEM programmes in the University of Waterloo and other schools in North America.



- 2023 BPhO(IPC&SPC) - 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze I, 2 Bronze II

- 2023 PhysicsBowl - 3 National Silver, 1 National Bronze, 1 Honorable

Introduction to Competitions

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2023 BPhO(IPC&SPC)

BPhO-IPC&SPC are organized by the British Physics Olympiad which is a charitable trust overseen by a committee of trustees and administered from the Outreach Office of the Physics Department of the University of Oxford. Its innovative questions link basic physics theories to everyday life, aiming to enhance students" lateral thinking abilities and stimulate their physics potential.


Hosted by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), the PhysicsBowl Contest is an international high school competition and highly influential in the United States. It attracts around 10,000 American students and over 500 renowned high schools from 11 other countries each year. The PhysicsBowl Contest examines students" analytical abilities and physics thinking, covering a wide range of content, requiring students to accumulate physics knowledge and exhibit patience and perseverance to meet challenges.



·Chem 13 News Exam-2 Certificate of Distinction

·Avogadro Exam-2 Certificate of Distinction

Introduction to Competitions

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Chem 13 News Exam&

Avogadro Exam

The Chem 13 News Exam and Avogadro Exam are organized by the University of Waterloo. It is a highly prestigious international chemistry competition, with over 6,000 high school students from more than 200 high schools worldwide participating each year. The competition aims to cultivate students" interest in chemistry and encourage and reward their exploration in the field of science during high school.



· 2023 British Biology Olympiad (BBO)- 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Commended

· 2023 BioOlympiad Initiative USA-China (BIO-USACN)-1 National Bronze

Introduction to Competitions

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British Biology Olympiad (BBO)

BBO is one of the longest-running and most influential science competitions. Nearly 10,000 high school students participate in the competition each year, competing for various awards.

Participating in this competition greatly enhances students" biological knowledge and showcases their academic abilities. Outstanding achievers gain significant advantages in applying to prestigious schools for medical, biological, and other STEM programmes, and award recipients may receive invitations to top international science events.

BioOlympiad Initiative USA-China (BIO-USACN)

BIO-USACN is organized by the non-profit educational academic institution, the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE). In recent years, majors such as medicine, biomedical sciences, and genetics at prestigious American universities have become popular majors for application, and outstanding achievements in the USA Biology Olympiad (USABO) have become important advantages for applying for these majors. Therefore, USABO has become one of the most academically strong and influential science competitions in the United States.



· 2023 National Economics Challenge(NEC)- 1National Overall Team Bronze Award, 1 Qualifying Test Overall Team Bronze Award, 1Critical Thinking Top Team in Teamwork, 1Critical Thinking Top Team in Presentation, 1 Qualifying Test Top Scoring Challenger(Bronze Medal Winner), 3 Qualifying Test Individual Distinction Awards, 1 Macroeconomics Hall of Fame, 1 Regional Overall Team Silver Award, 1 Regional Overall Team Bronze Award, 1 Super Econ! Regional Overall Team Award

Introduction to Competition

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National Economics Challenge

The National Economics Challenge is the most influential economics competition for high school students in the United States. With over 15,000 students participating each year, the competition and its participants are widely supported and recognized by leading Wall Street financial institutions and top universities around the world.

The NEC is designed to stimulate students" interest in economics, develop problem-solving skills, and build critical thinking habits. It is an annual academic event for high school economics students and a cradle for the future elite in business and finance.



· H.C. Andersen Art Awards-1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze

· 2023 4th Kyoto International Children"s Art Competition-1 third prize, 2 honorable

Introduction to Competitions

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H.C. Andersen Art Awards

Established in Odense, Denmark, by the Denmark H.C. Andersen Culture & Art Committee and the Hans Christian Andersen Museum, the H.C. Andersen Art Awards is a high-level art award commemorating Andersen"s achievements in culture and art. It is an annual award that recognizes artistic creations and has art award committees in various countries worldwide, aiming to encourage the creation and development of outstanding artworks. It targets art enthusiasts worldwide and aims to encourage children"s creativity and imagination through the influence of Andersen"s fairy tales, while discovering future artists.

Kyoto International Children"s Art Competition

The "Kyoto International Children"s Art Competition" is a global art competition for young children and teenagers, aimed at providing higher-level growth opportunities for young art enthusiasts. This competition encourages students to spread their wings, pursue their dreams, and directly interact with international art masters. It is not only a painting competition but also an emotional expression, a firm belief, and a breakthrough opportunity. The competition promises to provide participants with an authoritative, fair, just, transparent, and convenient competition experience.

Guangzhou Foreign Language School IB Diploma Programme has always encouraged students to actively participate in various mainstream international subject competitions and provided targeted coaching. The letters of congratulations for winning awards are not only a validation of the IB teaching but also awards for the students’ exploration in their chosen fields.

Congratulations to all the award-winning students, and thank you to the teachers in each subject group for their hard work and careful guidance. It is the efforts of each participant that allow us to share this honor together!




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